1.1.1 - The New England Custom
Knife Association (here after referred to as NECKA) is to be governed
by the four elected officials (President, Vice-President, Treasurer
and Secretary) and three Members elected from the general membership.
These seven are to be known as the Board of Directors (BOD) and have
oversight of the association's operations.
1.1.2 - The BOD will be filled by
annual elections from Members in good standing, by nominations and/or
volunteers. A subsequent vote by at least three quarters the total
membership. A simple majority will decide the outcome.
1.1.3 - The President is
responsible for the day to day operations of the association with
oversight by the BOD. The President is to pursue the advancement of
the club in the knife and the general community.
1.1.4 - The Vice-President is to
assist the President on all above issues and act for the President in
his absence.
1.1.5 - The Treasurer will be in
charge of all funds in the accounts and the distribution of said
accounts. The accessibility to the accounts must be through Treasurer
and the President or Vice-President. The Treasurer is charged with
maintaining, accounting, reporting and dispersing the association's
monies in accordance with these bylaws and all applicable Local, State
and Federal laws.
1.1.6 - Secretary will be
responsible for publishing of news letters, keeping minutes from
meetings, informing the Membership and retaining the association's
documents with the assistance of all the membership.
1.1.7 - Decisions for day to day
Association's operations are the responsibility of the elected
Officials with the remaining BOD members being notified. A majority
vote is required, with five members being a quorum.
1.1.8 - Decisions of a larger
scope or requiting expenditures of more than One Hundred Dollars
require a majority vote of the BOD, with five members being a quorum.
1.1.9 - Decisions affecting the
greater Membership and elections are to be by a majority vote. At
least two-thirds Members in good standing must respond. In case of a
tie, the majority vote of the BOD will count as one additional vote.
1.1.10 - All voting will be
conducted by the methods described in the section titled; 1.4.0 -
1.2.0 - Membership
1.2.1 - Membership is open to all
persons with an interest in the areas of custom knife making,
including but not limited to; collecting, education and general
appreciation of the knife making skills, tools and their accessories.
1.2.2 - Membership is not limited
by any geographical boundaries.
1.2.3 - To be considered as a
Member in good standing, Members will reflect the intents, and values
stated in the Association's Code of Ethics, Letter of Intent,
participate in elections, be current in the payment of dues or fees
related to Association activities and functions. Criminal activity or
other conduct contrary to the Association's goals and intent is not to
be tolerated.
1.2.4 - Membership is a
privilege. Members not in good standing may be counseled, restricted
from Association activities or removed from the Membership by decision
of the BOD.
1.2.5 - Dues are to be paid
annually by September 30th in United States of America currency.
Members may be credited for yearly dues by contributing a knife to the
Association for promotional, raffle or resale use with all proceeds
being the property of the Association. All Members collaborating on a
donated knife will be credited. **See amendments in 2.0.0 - Body of
1.2.6 - Members should report
current contact information on record with the Association and respond
promptly to requests for a vote.
1.2.7 - Members are responsible
for their own safety when participating in any Association function.
Knife making is an inherently dangerous practice and should not be
entered in without due education, forethought and diligence.
1.3.0 - Legal Status
1.3.1 - NECKA will be
Incorporated as a Non-Profit organization in the State of
Massachusetts, United States of America and operate as such under all
Local, State and Federal laws.
1.3.1 - Should the operation of
the Association become ineligible for non-profit status, it will
conform to all applicable Local, State and Federal incorporation laws.
1.4.0 - Communications
1.4.1 - The primary vehicle for
communications will be by posting on the Association web site and
E-mail. If required by some Members, telephone or ground mail.
1.4.2 - Items requiring a vote
will be by a Yea or Nay question or in the case of elections, one vote
for each position. Electronic communications and telephone
notification will be limited to a two week response period, with three
weeks for ground mail. All Members in good standing who fail to
respond in the allotted time will not be counted.
1.4.3 - Items for discussion will
be posted on the Association web site and sent to Members, for their
consideration, at least two weeks prior to the vote. Replies are to be
sent to the Secretary. Multiple suggestions or amendments will be
added to the ballot with a vote for or against the original item plus
a vote for or against each amendment.
1.4.4 - All vote responses are to
be sent to the Secretary who will remove but retain any identifying
information before tabulating and reporting the responses. Voter's
identity will only be used in the case of a recount or challenge of
the results. In such a case, the Secretary and one of the General
Membership officers of the BOD will review and verify the results.
They are charged with keeping the secrecy of the vote.
1.4.5 - General Members may
assign a proxy to vote in their stead by contacting the Secretary
directly. The proxy may be any Member in good standing or be assigned
to the majority vote of the BOD. The proxy will vote in their own name
as proxy for the requesting Member's name and separately for himself
or herself. All provisions of section 1.4.3 will be retained.
1.5.0 - Rules of order
1.5.1 - If so required at any
meeting of the BOD or Membership, the Members may appoint any Member
of good standing as a Sergeant of Arms to maintain order in accordance
with Robert's Rules of Order.
NEW SECTION 1.6.0 - Association
1.6.1 - All Members in good standing may attend activities on a first
come, first served basis, as time and space allow. All reasonable
effort will be made to ensure timely and even-handed notification of
events. See section 1.4.0 - Communications, for the notification
methods. Also see section 1.2.0, paragraphs 1.2.6 and 1.2.7.
1.6.2 - The BOD may invite, at
their discretion, persons who would be beneficial to furthering the
goals of the Association or its Members. These people would attend
free or if required by the event location, the Association would pay
their admission. Invitees must bring to the event that which is
beneficial to us and demonstrate those benefits at each event
1.6.3 - Members may bring
immediate family, i.e. Spouse, Significant Other, Dependant children,
siblings or parents, free of charge, as time, space and safety allow.
These people would attend free or if required by the event location,
would pay their own admission unless section 1.6.2 has been invoked.
Due to space cost and safety considerations, advance permission of the
BOD is required, may have conditions attached or may be limited.
1.6.4 - Unrelated Non-members
(Those not included in section 1.6.2 above) may attend. Due to space,
cost and safety considerations, advance permission of the BOD is
required, may have conditions attached or may be limited.
1.6.5 - All attendees must obey
the rules of the event location, regardless the of the location
ownership. All local, city, state and federal laws that apply will be
adhered to. Adherence to the Association Bylaws and Code of Ethics is
1.6.6 – All Repeating visitors,
not invited under section 1.6.2 are expected to become members.
1.6.7 - Attendance by Members or
invitees under the local age of majority may be restricted due to
safety or other concerns.
NEW SECTION 1.2.8 – The
Membership, by vote, may select a person for a Life Time Member
status. The nominee should be chosen based on their outstanding
contribution to the Association while upholding the values and ideals
set forth in the Code of Ethics, the Statement of Intent and the
Bylaws. Life Time Members are not required to pay dues.
2.0.0 - Body of Resolutions
NEW 2.1.1 - Section 1.2.5 the sentence; "Dues are to be paid annually
by September 30th in United States of America currency" is changed to;
"Dues are to be paid annually by December 31st, in United States of
America currency, for the following year". Members joining after
September 31 and currently paid up Members who pay their dues after
September 31, will be considered to be paid up for the following year.
NEW 2.1.2 - Section 1.2.7. The
sentence; "Knife making is an inherently dangerous practice and should
not be entered in without due education, forethought and diligence" is
changed to "Knife making is an inherently dangerous practice and
should not be entered into, without due education, forethought and